After reviewing your medical history and evaluating your symptoms, the team at EmergeOrtho-Coastal Region orders diagnostic imaging to verify your diagnosis. Your treatment takes a two-pronged approach that includes treating the underlying osteoporosis, while also dealing with the compression fracture.
Treatment for osteoporosis typically consists of bisphosphonates and monoclonal antibody medications to strengthen your bones and lower your risk of future compression fractures. Women can significantly reduce their risk of developing osteoporosis if they start estrogen replacement therapy shortly after menopause.
Your treatment plan for a compression fracture depends on whether or not the bone has healed. After the bones heal, your treatment may include bracing and physical therapy.
Before the bone heals, however, the team may recommend:
- Vertebroplasty
Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive procedure in which your doctor uses imaging to guide a needle into the vertebra and inject bone cement. Your pain is relieved as the cement strengthens the bone and stabilizes your spine.
- Kyphoplasty
Kyphoplasty is similar to vertebroplasty, but after inserting the needle, your doctor inflates a balloon that restores the height of the collapsed vertebra. Then the balloon is removed and cement is injected to fill the new space. This procedure restores the normal shape of your vertebrae while also stabilizing the spine.
If you develop sudden back pain, don’t wait to schedule an appointment. Call or use the online booking feature.